Sunday, January 15, 2012

Remote Exorcism

On the summer solstice of 2011 something happened that I would never forget. I was contacted by a very frustrated guy in California, with me being in Hawaii and with all the information he gave us, I knew this was dire. He had sought help from both the Roman Catholic Church, and when that did not work a Native American shaman in order to get rid of a malicious entity that had been growing in strength and viciousness over the last year, and especially during the last few months.

 I knew my options where few, but I had earlier in 2011 been in communication with Jose, a follower of our blog over in Florida, Jose had told me he could perform remote exorcisms, and that he had done these at several occasions in the past. So with this in mind we contacted Jose and asked if there where anything he could do. Within a few hours Jose replied to us, we provided Jose with the information we had and later that same evening Jose told us the malicious evil was an elder succubus stronger than expected, and Jose was only able to put her on hold. In order for us to force the ancient succubus to let go off her growing grip of demonic oppression we had to channel the energy needed using a medium, and then triangulate the remote exorcism from Hawaii and Jose's location in Florida.

I agreed and we set it all up for a exorcism using the phone, Jose told me even though I was only a novice psychic, together and combined with the extra strength that the solstice offer us we should be able to break her grip. Jose gave me instructions and together we channeled the powers from the Earth, the Summer Solstice, protective and guardian angels. This is when Jose realized that this succubus had indeed been stalking this guy since he was 15, slowly growing in strength over almost 15 years, patiently waiting and fastening her grip on him ever so slowly and the imprisonment of this malicious demon would be harder that first anticipated, never the less we were able to do our part for the client in California, of course none of us charged anything for this. We see the work of helping and protecting people from evil entities as an important part of working with the paranormal. This was also the second time I took part of an exorcism, the first time was in the summer of 2005.

Keep in mind, exorcisms alone are no guarantee that one are safe from demonic oppressions, possessions or preventing new demons from latching on. If one do not change what caused the demonic to catch interest in you, or successfully close the portal that let the malicious entities into your life in the first place it is likely the exorcism would only be a short term fix, with required follow up exorcisms, protective blessings and so on.

According to Jose remote exorcism work by using the energy in phones. Both LAN lines and cell phones contain energy waves that can be harnessed and channeled by techno-magick, which is when one combines sorcery with science.

On a different note, the channeling method used for the Remote Exorcism caused me to have another paranormal experience that very same night, described in detail in my entry Ullgolthr and Rallurgh - My Ultraterestrial Pets.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ullgolthr and Rallurgh - My Ultraterrestrial Pets

Illustration by PJ 2006, the perception to the author of Ullgolthr and Rallurgh can best be described as two small cats like these two blurred to the cameras eye.

What I am going to share with you now is one of the strangest experiences of my adult life here in Hawaii. It all happened the night I found out about Ullgolthr and Rallurgh, two cat like other dimensional animals that follow me around and cuddles up from the energy that I emit.

I remember this very clearly as this was the very night of summer solstice, and I had just assisted in an remote exorcism, this event and the extra energies that flow between dimensions on summer solstice opened up my mind to experience these two sweet creatures.

I had problems sleeping that night so I was still fully awake when I noticed the feeling of something close to my neck, as I looked down I noticed the two blurry cat like animals and as I sat up they jumped down onto the bed, both of them looked up to me confused it felt like they were wondering how did that happened. As I looked down at them it felt like I could read their minds and feel their confusion and this is what I got: Rallurgh he never noticed us before, while the other one was thinking come Ullgolthr lets leave him, we can come back tomorrow when he is more at ease.

I watched as both of them moved down from the bed, onto the floor stopped looked back at me while figuring out what to do next, shifting from blurred to solid and finaly phased out of our world. I Felt these were lesser beings more like inter-dimensional animals, that at times bask in our energies similar to how a cat like to bask in the sunlight, these would be close to the veil just out of our sentient worlds perception, just once in a while blending trough enough to be noticed.

Still I felt so full of energy that night that I did not go to sleep at all until the afternoon of the next day. I still feel Ullgolthr and Rallurgh's presence now when I know of their existance and know how to distinguish their unique form of energy from the rest of my surroundings.

For more about ultraterrestrials read the entry Ultraterrestrials! - Visitors from Other Dimensions

Remember to check out our Paranormal Corner Online Store and if you have story you would like us to look into for posting in our blog contact us at

Saturday, January 7, 2012

UFO's Over Kurtistown, Hawaii on New Years Eve 2011

Kurtistown, Hawaii courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Kurtistown, Hawaii 11:20 PM December 31st 2011.

Kuristown is in the state of Hawaii on the Island of Hawaii (aka Big Island). The account I read stated that two friends were on Hwy 11 above Kurtistown at 11:20 pm when they saw a orange orb like light over the horizon this orange orb kept getting larger. The reporting witness stated that it looked as if there were red beams of light coming from under the orb.

The driver pulled over, turning off his radio and engine and got out of his car to take a closer look. the driver stated that it became closer and larger and at one point he could see inside the orb. he reported what he saw as a disk shaped craft with a top that was spinning and shaking in a rocking motion. The witness also reported spike like lights on the side and top of the craft.

The witness reported not just one but a total of 7 in the sky. They would fly over top of them and then disappear. A real hair raising experience.

ADMINISTRATORS NOTE .... This story information was gathered  at

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