Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Flow and Consciousness of the Internal and External Cosmos

Illustration by PJ 2005, everything is connected to the same stream of cosmic energy, from the smallest flower, to the subatomic particles within and the endless universe.

Today´s entry is from Ashish in India, talking about the greater cosmic energies and how karma, chakras, coincidences and synchronicity, are involved in our lives on a small and large scale. 

These things might seem weird and unscientific ,but these things have their way of equations. The equations of interaction between internal cosmos and external cosmos. The glimpses of the these events are the subject of quantum mechanics in which the wave-function of a events is collapsed to a single point in time-space 4D curve by the consciousness of individual self.

If your frequency of consciousness is high enough to make resonance with that of the frequency of wave-function of external event, one can alter the very course of event by introducing a small-subtle change in it as happens in the weather prediction models that a wave by the wings of butterfly at Indian ocean can cause a hurricane -or tornado in Pacific.

Did you know in Yoga it is said that in our subtle body three life currents flow ,they are named in Yogic scriptures the IDA (The SUN life current), PINGALA (the MOON Life current) and the SHUSHUMANA (THE COSMIC CURRENT). The whole outer and inner world is just the balance of these three life forces.

If we can control the inner life currents mentioned above we can affect the outer. Whenever I am in deep meditation or balance state of mind and i see the 'Cirrus' cloud well above in the sky. I feel the energy level of my body increasing, I perceive the hot(ida,sun) and cold(pingala,moon) currents flowing through my spinal cord and i see the rain at the outer world as the energy mixing in my spinal cord.

This is the example of experience at the outer world as in the inner world. Another experience is vice-versa i meditate in my left eye the 'moon' and the the 'Sun' at the 'third eye' and i feel the energy equations of my body getting changed and if there is humidity and 'cirrus' cloud it get changed into 'nimbus' cloud and there is rain.

You can call it coincidence but when it occurs repeatedly there is some truth behind it and these phenomenas of interaction between mind and external nature are in accordance with ancient eastern Hindu and Buddhist Yogic and Tantric scriptures.... These things require observation- research and 

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