Showing posts with label Jose Prado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jose Prado. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Astral Vampire (Dangers of the Astral Realm III) by Jose Prado

As I mentioned in the second post about the dangers of the Astral Realm, a Dream Walker is a person who has Semi Shamanic abilities and can thus enter another person's dreams. The most powerful was a teenage Occultist I once met who had attacked a friend she was angry with by entering her dreams and causing her to suffocate. She didn't think anything of it because she was awake when she entered the sleeping girl's dream. She also had no intention to harm her, she was simply mad and visualized hurting her friend.

Her friend reported being attacked by a spirit the next day through suffocation. She was so frightened of what she had done to her friend that at first she asked me to bind her. I refused, explaining to her that she has these gifts for a reason and instead encouraged her to join a Coven with the family's permission *.  This dream walker posed little threat as she was not properly trained. A fully trained dream walker can be a menace to society like the following individual.

A few years ago on Facebook I saw a status posted by a friend who's identity I will omit. She was a Wiccan and an Army wife living in a military base in South Korea. We had begun to develop a friendship. One day she wrote in a status that she had become so sick she was wearing a blanket, soaking her feet in hot water and having horrible nightmares that made her body shake.

Something about this scenario struck a chord with me. It just didn't sound normal especially with how violent the dreams were. I sent her a private message and we began to talk. She said for weeks she was receiving horrible dreams about her ex lover (a man of means and power), who had seduced her in graduate school. The man was her professor and they began a passionate affair but he became too controlling. Eventually they went in different directions vowing to just be friends. When she married, he had given presents to her children which she accepted.

Unfortunately she made a big mistake. She forgot that anything can be 'worked' or 'fixed' (in witch terms, enchanted or bewitched) and accidentally brought cursed objects into her home. They were beacons for him to find her wherever she was. It opened the threshold, the mystical force that protects a house, to him leaving her vulnerable to attack. According to her accounts, her nightmares featured him insanely laughing in her face.

She was breaking down and was forfeiting her will to this man. That was until I gave her the crucial piece of the puzzle she had been missing. The effects on her body, including the lack of vitamins from the nightmares. All pointed to one thing: he was an Astral Vampire. In my studies of the Occult and Demonology I read, among many other books, Jonathan Maberry's Vampire Universe(1), an amazing book which I highly recommend.

Maberry's Vampire Universe mentioned that Astral Vampires were the more evolved and powerful version of Psychic Vampires. A regular Psychic Vampire has to be around a person and either touch them or look at them to drain energy. Those who are truly skilled can drain energy at a distance via crowd energy; taking a little bit from everyone to be satisfied (others can do it remotely via the internet).

Most Psychic Vampires are good people lacking the chemical component to energize themselves and require energy from others to survive, otherwise they grow ill and die. They often have friends who willingly donate their energy or use crowd energy to drain tiny portions from large amounts of people. Usually the people are left unharmed.

Some people however are so parasitic that they develop Psychic Vampirism by nature; being nasty, obsessive, or conflictive. In some legends according to Maberry, those are the personality traits that allow a person to actually curse themselves after death and become a demonic vampire in the first place. Psychic Vampirism therefore can be done even by people who are not born as Psychic Vampires, but even this is only the best case scenario.

The worst case are warlocks or selfish witches who intentionally develop it for greater power in the Black Arts (usually Satanists). Crowley (2) even spoke at length about using it to drain people of their powers. My original master was a Black Mage who tried to corrupt me during my novice years. He said Crowley wanted to create an army of Mimics; Psychic Vampires who could not only drain people but copy their powers, grafting them onto their own spiritual bodies.

They could 'mimic' any power or energy. But I digress. According to Jonathan Maberry there were Warlocks so powerful that they completely superseded being around a person at all to drain their energy. Instead, they could Astral Project to a person in their sleep as a Dream Walker or simply hover above their resting bodies where they could not only drain energy from their victims but also infect their dreams with nightmares, steal information from them, etc...The victim would be helpless and if the vampire were smart, no one would be the wiser. Luckily for her, he was not smart.

He was arrogant. He wanted her to know that he had her and that there was nothing she could do about it. But nothing is insurmountable. I told her what he was and with psychic sight I was able to tell her that the 'gifts' he gave her were cursed. I told her to sprinkle Hoyt's cologne (3) on the gifts to cleanse his energy out completely. I also instructed her to use her own magic to fight him. I had to psychically break the bond between him and her and re-energize her myself before she could do this, otherwise none of her magic would have worked. Once a Psychic or Astral Vampire drains you, there is a connection that weakens the person's powers and any spell cast by victim, no matter how powerful is weakened or does not work at all. I then summoned a powerful spirit to find and bind him.

She then performed an Expurgation (banishing) ritual to banish his energy from the premises. She cleansed the home with Sage and then created a few enchanted satchels to ward him off permanently. I also advised her to sleep with scissors under her pillow (4) to prevent him from attacking her in her sleep again. Needless to say he stopped contacting her after that. Almost immediately he fell ill. Without a person to drain, he was not be able to feed. I felt sorry for him and asked the spirit to allow him to drain crowd energy.

He got well but was never able to harm anyone again. It reminded me of an old Bible text, Psalm 94: 4-11 :

"4 They pour out arrogant words;
all the evildoers are full of boasting.

5 They crush your people, Lord;
They oppress your inheritance.

6 They slay the widow and the foreigner;
they murder the fatherless.

7 They say, “The Lord does not see;
the God of Jacob takes no notice.”

8 Take notice, you senseless ones among the people;
you fools, when will you become wise?

9 Does he who fashioned the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?

10 Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge?

11 The Lord knows all human plans;
he knows that they are futile,"

Whether you believe in Karma, only one God, or many Gods and Goddesses, everyone in the end gets their fair share of the poisoned crop. It never fails. It's the Law of the Universe.

* The girl in question is now a proficient Exorcist, Pagan Demonologist, and a very wise and learned woman. At 15 she could already bind Demons and use the Seals of Solomon. At 18 she is now one of my best and closest friends as well as a powerful ally in all matters pertaining to the Occult.

1. A Book not only on Vampires, but on Witches, Warlocks, and Faeries. It mostly focuses on Vampires and other Demons. Well worth the read. The man is a true scholar. You can order his book here :

2. Crowley spoke at length not only about Psychic Vampirism but energy manipulation. He also spoke about how all Demons are parasitic in nature and often used blood placed in a demon trap to attract a demon through the life force in the blood. He would then enslave the Demon. I am not posting any links to Crowley here. No black magic allowed.

3. Hoyt's cologne is a cologne used in Hoodoo (Voodoo Folk Magic) that is used in cleansings. Similar to Florida Water, it's primary use is cleansing but it can be used for many other spells as well. I told her to order it from the states so that she could cleanse out the work he had done on the gifts. More on Hoyt's Cologne here :

4. In my article Hags: Demon Witches, I explained that placing scissors that are opened and pointed toward the headboard of a bed prevents evil spirits from attacking or sorcerers from casting their spells on a person in their sleep. Before she could cleanse the cursed objects I told her to use that to block his Astral Visitations and attacks. It worked.

You can read about Hags and the use of Scissors for protection here :

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dream Walker (Dangers of the Astral Realm II) by Jose Prado

The following is an experience our frequent contributor to the Blog, Jose Prado experienced while working for a Coven that specializes in helping people with problems of a Paranormal Nature. This coven of witches performs exorcisms, blessings, and the breaking of evil spells by Warlocks (selfish or unethical witches). This is the second part in a series of Blogs he will be contributing on the dangers of the Astral Realm.

Dream Walker (Dangers of the Astral Realm II) By Jose Prado

At the time of this encounter, I was working with a coven known as Forest Moon Grove. Forest Moon Grove doubles as a paranormal investigation group. We used science as well as sorcery to help people with supernatural issues. We've helped Christians, Buddhists, even the occasional Atheist (of course they didn't stay Atheist for long), but in this experience it was a Wiccan woman who needed help. She had been involved with another practitioner for years before finally breaking up with him. I am not sure what he practiced but this man clearly misused his knowledge for sinister purposes.

Wicca is a revival of old European beliefs inspired by older religions. While the name Wicca and some of its rituals may indeed be 'new age', it is all based on much older faiths and practices. There are good people out there who practice Wicca, but there are also individuals who become intoxicated with power and use them for sinister purposes. I have seen Wiccans bless and I have seen them curse.

As with any faith there are good and bad apples so neither should one be prejudiced and say all of what we do is all 'devil worship'. Unfortunately this individual, as sad and disgusted as I am to say this, was actually involved with diabolical spirits. I actually wondered if perhaps he was working with Aleister Crowley's magic.

It felt like a Goetic Demon* to me. This man was so accomplished in sorcery that he was able to develop psychic abilities and astral projected to this woman in her dreams. This is called Dream Walking; it is a semi-Shamanic ability where one is able to enter a person's dreams telepathically. This man walked into this woman's dreams every night, tormenting and terrorizing the poor woman giving her no reprieve.

She attempted to ward him off with her amulets and spells but to no avail. Something more powerful than a human warlock was at work here. So after many inquiries in the community she found and sought us out. I was brought into a Facebook chat at the time and the woman described a hideous nightmare she had. She dreamed this man had become a demon of some sort with horns and razor sharp teeth. He raped her in the dream and then said, "Now you are mine forever. You'll never escape me."

As she described the dream I began to get sick and I realized that something was on her. It was an Enviacion or Sending in English (1). This time he didn't just dream walk, he came into that dream with a demonic spirit and when he raped her in her dream, he actually placed an energy inside her that acted like a wire tap.

Not only could he locate her wherever she was but he could also know her every move because the spiritual parasite within her was being used to listen in on her conversations. I secretly sent a posted message to the Reiki Master in the group, told him of my suspicions, and he decided he would take care of her personally and remove the energy stain on her himself. With it gone, powerful spirits were summoned to protect her, and after an intense spiritual battle, the warlock finally gave up. He wasn't going to go battle a whole coven of expertly trained witches that could match and counter everything he knew how to do. Today that client is well and fine but her distrust in men, especially those of power, stayed with her.

This was the second time I faced a Dream Walker, though I would have to say this was definitely the most violent experience.

* The Lesser Key of Solomon is a book of Black Magic in which a person uses Prayers to God from Ancient Hebrew sorcery to invoke demons. These are Aleister Crowley's perversions. In the Testament of Solomon, a book of the Bible removed by the Church, Solomon was a Sage (Master Mage, Enlightened Master) who received the power to control even the greatest spirits from a ring he was given by St. Michael the Archangel baring the Pentagram. The word Yerusalem (Jerusalem) was on the Pentagram. With it, he could control even Demonic Gods like Beelzebub. Satan himself and a small minority of Demonic Deities were the only ones immune to the ring. In those days Judaism was Pagan and sorcery was a natural part of the religion. They worshiped the Elohim (Hebrew Gods). When Solomon lived he put his knowledge down in a Grimoire (book of advanced sorcery) and after his death, his followers continued adding spells as late as the Middle Ages. It's believed his followers formed a secret society that some claim became the Order of the Free Masons. The book was called the Key of Solomon and was translated by an author named Macgregor. Aleister Crowley however perverted the spells and used them to control demons and enslave them for his own petty whims. His version of the Hebrew magic, which he divided into two books are the Lesser and Greater Keys of Solomon but these are impure versions of King Solomon's magic. Demons from the Keys are called Goetic Demons. Suffice it to say the Crowleyean version of the book and the actual Key of Solomon are very different at their core.

(1) In Santería (literally 'Saintry' or ‘Holiness’ in English) is an Afro Cuban religion similar to Vodoun. We believe and are taught about ‘enviaciones’ or ‘sendings’. It's a magical operation where a conjurer (sorcerer who can summon spirits or instantly manifest spells) will summon a spirit, any kind of spirit depending on what he needs, and with its help cast a spell on someone. In the very moment the spell is cast, the spirit is bound to the spell, therefore the spell cannot be reversed until the spirit is banished, and the spirit cannot be banished until the spell is reversed. Both either have to be taken apart at the same time or they must be paralyzed and then dealt with separately by another sorcerer. Although the term is unique to Santería, the same method is found in many different cultures and faiths (from European witches, to Judeo-Christian mages, to African practitioners and Native American shamans). If a person is tormented by a spirit and there is no spirit gate open or spiritual stronghold, the only other reason for a cleansing, banishing, or exorcism to not work is when a Sending has been performed. The Sending however always requires a sorcerer, a human element to perform. A spirit cannot make a Sending. It's important to note that not all Sendings are for evil. Some conjurers summon good spirits and cast protective spells to keep someone safe or use negative Sendings only in retaliation for being cursed. Some Sendings have even been used to heal the sick where a healing spirit is called forth and together the conjurer and spirit cast a healing spell.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Lords of Yule: The Three Pagan Kings, Magi, Majii, Los Tres Reyes Magos, and Wise men by Jose Prado

Note: The Paranormal Corner is made up of different people of many faiths. Disrespecting the writers and their viewpoints will not be tolerated.

I ask that all things be considered when reading this article and add that if you do not like the subjects of this article, save yourself the time by simply not reading it.

Every year in Miami, Fl a Parade is held on the 6th of January in honor of Los Tres Reyes Magos (The Three Magi Kings). It is a tradition from a much older Christian European tradition aligned with the original date for Christmas and the Epiphany. But who were the Magi? Why is so little spoken about them on Christmas? Why all the mystery? What reasons would modern Christians have to fear their history when it so intricately fits into the old and new testament? The Magi are perhaps the most enigmatic and important people of the Bible with a religious tradition going back since before the time of Christ. To know these things, one must open mindedly search for the truth among not only the ancient records, but the modern mages of today to know the whole story. The story of the Magi is the mostly unexplored history of today's Magicians.

Tradition holds that the Magi were Pagan Kings of Persia (Iran), India, and Babylonia (sometimes Arabia rather than Babylonia). Their names were Gaspar, Balthazar, and Melchior. But there are all manner of contradictory information on the Magi not only from religious tradition but by secular and Biblical scholars alike. Some scholars believe they all came from Persia and were Priests of the Medes. Some scholars even claim much to the shock and disgust of Christians, that the Magi who visited Christ were a secret sect created by the Prophet Daniel during the time that Hebrews were enslaved in Persia.

His apprentice was a Pagan Prophet named Baalam in some sources, who continued the lineage of Hebrew Polytheism (Paganism) inside the Persian Polytheist lineage. It should also be noted that the word Magi from Persian Magus once also was used for a Median tribe. (*) Whatsoever the history, Magi were and are still real as even today there are Kurds who claim to descend from the original Magi and the title is still used by magical priests in other countries and in Pagan traditions including solitary Pagans unaffiliated with lineages. Though tradition mentions the names of only Three (possibly the leaders), they were most likely attended to by larger groups of Priests and possibly Priestesses, apprentices, scholars, philosophers, and many more including warriors. The belief that there were only three Magi comes from their names being revealed in tradition.

Possibly because they were very well known in their day and so when the story of Yeshua would be read or told everyone knew who they were. However their names were not revealed until later centuries though in Folklore (the history of the people themselves carried by generations) the same three names almost unchanged except for being translated, appears over and over again.

Even in the Bible, the number of Magi is never mentioned. They were Mages or Magicians (hence the term Magi), Masters of Witchcraft who knew the Arts well and who were able to foretell things by looking into the Stars (Astrology). The original translation of the word Magi originates from the Indo-Persian 'Magh' which means powerful, wealthy, and gifted.

The reason behind this is simply because they were powerful or gifted in the magical arts and also because they were so commanding politically and culturally that they became their own class of Nobles. They were slightly more powerful than regular nobles as they had the ability later on to choose the King in power in Persia. However, modern Mages have expressed to me that they were not exclusively Persian because a Mage can be found in any religion under various names and in the Middle East, at that time, they say the religious world was so interconnected that Magi were found in different countries. Though Persia was obviously where they were the most powerful, Babylonia was a close second. Baalam recorded the legend of the Messiah from Daniel to pass it down to new generations of Magi for them to prepare for the worship and discipleship under Christ.

So for all we know there may have been Magi in the ranks of Yeshua's own followers. Others argue the tradition is correct and that they all came from three different countries. The sign of the Hebrew God sending down the Messiah was seen by all three in their perspective countries (or same country). But we know from history records that people in many countries saw the phenomenon.

This phenomenon leads them to embark on a quest across the lands and countries of the middle-east to find the Jewish Messiah (1).  They would have needed enough supplies to last them for many days to travel so far and reach Yeshua. This journey may have taken several months. One thing of note here is that scholars today will argue that they were not real Kings; they may have been called Kings because they were Enlightened Masters, living as Saints on Earth such as the Buddhas, Gurus or Saints of the Sikhs and are today regarded by many as Ascended Masters in Heavenly realms. Conversely, if Magi were already a more powerful class of Nobles then the Magi being called Kings may have been a sign that they were at the top of the hierarchy of their order.  Scholars now think they were Zoroastrians, the early forefathers of modern day Gnosticism. Other scholars think they evolved from an off shoot of Zoroastrianism. This would further explain why they were interested not only in meeting Yeshua but in worshipping him.

Gnostics believe that all religions were once one religion (originally a spiritual science handed down to humanity by the Gods), and that in this ancient faith, all Gods were worshiped and all magic was practiced. They believe in supreme Gods known as the Godhead. They further believed that Yahweh also known as Bythos the Creator of all other Gods and creatures was one of the Highest Deities of the Godhead. Zoroastrians identified this Deity as Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord); the same God as Yahweh or Allah in Muslim tradition.

If these are the forefathers of Gnosticism then they more than likely held similar beliefs. Thus the Messiah was considered to be the Messiah for all religious groups, not just the Jews but even for at least some of the Pagans of the time. This is not surprising as Pagans in many cultures had Messiahs that ranged from; Horus, Dionysus, Mithra, and many others.

Even some Buddhists view Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha) as a type of Messiah brought to free the world from Samsara. This new Messiah was just the most recent in an already long established line of saviors. Clearly, the story of the Hebrew Messiah was also well known to other parts of the Middle East. Because they were Zoroastrian mages, they would've been well educated about many Gods and magic and therefore knew the Christ God was coming to Earth. All followers on both sides who claim that Paganism and Christianity do not mix, must reevaluate in lieu of this information and remember that God sent Pagan Mages and Priests to bestow gifts and worship Christ as a newborn child. He then revealed the signs in the sky to lead them to the newborn child.

Would Yahweh really send people he would view as 'ungodly' or 'blasphemous' to visit his son? To me, that just doesn't make any sense. That's like God sending Devil Worshipers to give Yeshua gifts. He also displayed signs that any Magician would recognize as mystical. That confirms his support for Astrology. Nowhere in the Bible does Yahweh ever say he does not approve of them.

The Magi's original trip was cut short when Yahweh entered their dreams and warned them of King Herod's attempts at trying to Kill Yeshua as a newborn. They stopped the journey in the home of Herod, the Roman appointed King of Israel (2). This is a testament to their importance. Either they were real Kings or they were Kings in their own right for being Magicians and Enlightened Masters. Only someone of that level of importance could have entered the Palace of Herod.

When they communicated with Herod that the Messiah would be born he feared for his rule. The Messiah had to be of pure Royal blood according to the Prophecy. Furthermore, a divinity sent by Yahweh himself would already have more power than the Roman appointed ruler. Herod however was crafty and he told them "When you find the Messiah, please inform me of his whereabouts so that I may worship him along with you."

His ultimate plan was to murder the Messiah and prevent him from ever being a threat. But when Yahweh warned them in dreams, of Herod's plot, they split up and hid for two years so that Herod would not follow them to Yeshua. Here we have a Dream Interpretation that God participated in. If using Magic and Interpreting dreams is a 'sin' that would mean Yahweh participated in a sin willingly. The fact that God did this is proof sorcery is not a sin.

The idea that this activity might be a sin springs from Emperor Constantine when he rewrote the Bible. But I digress. The Magi did not find Yeshua until two years later when he was in his toddler years. When Herod found out the Magi had vanished he flew into a rage and demanded that every newborn male child in Jerusalem had to be killed. The Archangel Gabrielle (Hebrew) or Jibriel (Arabic) warned Josef and Maryam (3) of the slaughter and they moved away to a land called Nazareth.

There they stayed in Nazareth until the holy archangel told them to return. Finally, when they did, the Magi found them. An important thing to note is that scientists think the Star of Bethlehem phenomenon may have happened more than once. There are even ancient records to prove it. Could another such phenomenon created by Yahweh have led the Magi Kings back to Yeshua? Perhaps someday we will know for sure.

Mystical Christians today have formed the Eternal Order of the Magi, where they train and teach disciples for enlightenment. The idea of the Magi and their pre- Gnostic teachings are passed down through initiation and discipleship into the Order.

You can join the society if you are interested. In Europe, Cunning Folk or Witches would advise people to draw the initials CBM near doors and windows to keep out evil spirits as a warding amulet. These initials, CBM represent the following; Caspar (the Anglicized name of Gaspar), Balthazar, and Melchior. In NOLA Hoodoo this is done before or after New Years to prevent bad spirits from entering. I can personally testify to the great power that ensues by using and invoking their names in magic. I have even called on the Magi in several of my magical workings and when I took an apprentice for the first time; I realized my student had a strong connection to the Magi when she prayed, but that is a story for another Yule.

These powerful spiritual beings who rule this time of year, The Magi, are among the sacred Lords of Yule/Sol Invictus/Saturnalia/Christmas. They are known for bestowing blessings upon the needy (4) , ensuring that through the dark time of the year the dead can visit their loved ones (5), and allowing those who must leave this realm to cross over.

The Day sacred to the Magi is January 6th, also known as the Festival of the Three Kings, The Festival of the Magi, or the Festival of the three Magi Kings is celebrated by Christian Witches and by the Cuban Christian community (both by Catholics and non-Catholics) both in North America and Cuba.; Christians Witches are also known as Mystical Christians. In Miami, Florida, the Cuban people have a great Festival with men dressed as the Magi Kings in the streets, reenacting the events of the Magicians finding Yeshua. The festival in tradition does not end until January 11th. Both 6 (Hexagram, Star of David) and 11 (The Master number) are important numbers in numerology.  The feast was clearly an important one for many of the European Magoi. One wonders if they ever suspected the prominent spiritual role they had in store for them 2000 years after their deaths.

I've come to suspect that many tribes started out not as nations or tribes but as spiritual orders. The Gypsies, for instance, claim St. Sara the Egyptian (or Sara La Kali who is a Gnostic Christian Saint and Priestess) is their direct blood ancestor. The Gypsies started out as Christian Hebrews and Egyptian Christian converts who followed Sara and her mother Maryam of Magdala (Mary Magdalene) along with St. Marta and St. Lazarus who Gnostic legend says came to France where they were greeted by Pagan Shamans and became respected members of the community. Centuries later the Jett people from Northern India and Pakistan came to Europe to escape the war between Afghanistan and their own country. They mixed with Shamans who by that time were descended of both Europeans and Sara's people. Because she had come from Kemet or Egypt they were later called Gypsies.

The most prominent genetic marker of all Gypsies is the one linking them to the Jett people. Of course to be fair, Sara and her people were a minority that was quickly absorbed by the French Pagan majority. Jett refugees came in untold numbers, to Europe, based on the genetic evidence from the Gypsies/Rome/Romany. They could actually really be descendants of Egyptians and Hebrews as well. Quite simply, the Jett gene is easier to prove because they absorbed the original two groups.

The point is, we saw how two religious groups merged into one tribe which then merged with another group of people. The reason why some of the Medes may have been called Magi could be due to the possibility that they all started as Magicians who then formed a tribe and became a Magician tribe like the original Gypsies (though many Gypsies of today have turned their back on their Folk Faith and don't even want to be called Gypsies instead preferring Rome).

The majority of the Jewish community does not believe Yeshua of Nazareth was the Messiah. Although smaller groups known as Messianic Jews or simply "Jews for Jesus" do acknowledge him as the Christ. They practice a type of revival of Yeshua's original Judeo-Christian version of his teachings; although some are more original to the source than others. See Gnostic Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, and the Kabbalah.

The Romans had conquered Syria Palaestina, or Palestine as we call it today, (there were many Kingdoms in this land including Israel, the whole country was not Israel) they set up a brutal military occupation (much like Palestine today) and brutalized the population. This continued to the extent of performing mass executions of anyone deemed a rebel. Herod, a noble, who saw his opportunity to seize control appealed to Emperor Octavian, the first Emperor of Rome, convincing him that under his leadership Israel would bow down to the Romans and to their Emperor. Augustus Octavian agreed and placed Herod as the false King. In reality St. Josef, Yeshua's human Father, was a direct descendant of the Kings of Israel. He had the true claim with scrolls in the Hebrew Libraries proving his Royal lineage.

Because he was St. Josef’s foster son (or real son if you do not believe in his divinity) Yeshua would have had the true claim to the throne. This lineage is the reason Herod wanted him dead. Herod wanted to eliminate the competition. The initials I.N.R.I.  are on the Cross of Christ for this reason; The Romans put it on the cross. In Latin the words of each initial are Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum or "Yeshua of Nazareth, King of the Jews."

In this post I am using the actual historical names of the figures and places. Not the Anglicized or modern names; this is to avoid further stealing the people and their significance from their culture. See, Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Misappropriation.

Santa Claus is really a mixed concept. There is no such thing as just one Yule Lord. Different people expect different beings to arrive to them on this time of year. Some believe it is the Magi and others still think it is La Befana (The Giver of Gifts) their friend who was a Roman Hedge witch. In China they have their own version of a spiritual being that looks upon the sinners and the virtuous and reports what they have done to the Divine Emperor for either rewards or punishments. The Norse Heathens who worship the Aesir (Heavenly Gods) and Vanir (Earthly Gods) believe Odin and Thor are the ones who comes forth baring gifts to the faithful. For Christians, it is St. Nicholas of Myra (Bari) who does this. For Greek worshipers of the Theoi (Gods) it is Poseidon.

Sometimes the Magi or someone else will be the one to bestow the Gifts. Also, the 'gifts' are not to be taken literally. The Yule Lords bestow gifts spiritually. For a witch it may be magic, for a poor family it may be prosperity, for a lonely person it may be love, and for a sickly person it may be health. The Yule Lords, including Nicholas never really gave physical gifts. That tradition of receiving physical gifts comes from giving a person a gift of cloths on Yule to ward off the Yule Cat: a Demonic Black Cat as big as a horse in some stories that preys on the poor.  It's a Demonic familiar of a Hag (demon witch) named Frau Percha.

The act of having a physical gift brings prosperity which wards it off. It also comes from a group of Nuns from France who in the 1100's were inspired by the story of St. Nicholas and the destitute daughters, and chose the 6th night of December (coinciding with Pagan celebrations still celebrated on this day) to feed the poor by leaving them food in their used stockings. These are things humans do, not spirits. These are the origins of the Christmas stockings still used today.

The Dark Time of Year, starts from October and does not truly end till February. Modern peoples of the world think that the Veil closes after Samhain (Halloween). This is far from the truth. Samhain is where it truly begins. The Interdimensional doorways do not close until the festival of Imbolg in February. The Dead remain with us until then and scores of other worldly creatures remain on Earth until then as well. These remaining creatures range from Faeries, Angels, and even Demons to name but a few. This includes Human souls and the occasional alternate universe creature; not a spirit but an entity such as an animal that does not truly belong in this Universe. There are even stories of people from our world venturing off into other worlds through these unseen boundaries. Sometimes they come back with a hell of a story to tell and other times they simply vanish never to return. This is the time of year ruled by the Winter Court or Dark Faeries.
Read also "Why ghosts haunt England at Christmas but steer clear of America" at

Indiana University, “Star of Bethlehem may have been planets Jupiter and Venus”
Article distributed by Indiana University News Room, Published, December 16, 2003 - Orthodoxy and the World, “Feasts. Calendar; The Magi”
Article distributed by - Orthodox Christianity and the World, Published, December 31, 2006

D.M. Murdock/Acharya S, “The Star in the East and Three Kings”
Article distributed by Stellar House Publishing, Published, January, 2015

Original Christmas Gift, “The Magi”
Article distributed by,

Jeanne K. Hanson, “The Star of Bethlehem: The History, Mystery, and Beauty of the Christmas Star”
Book distributed by Jeanne K. Hudson, Published by: Hearst Books Published, October 1, 1994

Bishop Katia, “Mages – The Magi in the Bible”
Article distributed Katia, Published by: Katia’s Esoteric Christianity Blog; Inner Christian Teachings and Mysteries, Published, October 5, 2013

Bishop Katia, “Day of the Magi, January 6 has Esoteric Meaning”
Article distributed Katia, Published by: Katia’s Esoteric Christianity Blog; Inner Christian Teachings and Mysteries, Published, January 4, 2007

CBS Miami, “Three Kings Parade”
Articles distributed CBS Miami, Published by: CBS Miami,

"History of the Medes, (Magi and Enchanters of Old)”
Article distributed, Published by:,

Chuck Missler, “Who Were the Magi?”
Article distributed Chuck Missler, Published by: L. Dolphin/Koinonia House Ministries Published, November 1999

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dangers of the Astral Realm by Jose Prado

Illustration "Teheran Night Sky" by Hamed Saber from Tehran, Iran
in courtesy of wikimedia commons

Dangers of the Astral Realm
By Jose Prado

There are many dangers to the Astral. But there were some things that I was never taught about before hand and so I learned by Trial by Fire. 
Since I was a child I had the gift of Astral projection via Shamanic abilities. I traveled the realms and believed I was actually dreaming. It was nothing out of the ordinary for me. My family would hear me murmur words or have outright conversations in sleep. Sometimes I would awaken still talking to someone. I would laugh out loud waking some of them up but when they checked on me I was still sleeping.

Years later when I began my practice of the Magical Arts, I started Astral projecting at will. I remember the fear I felt at night when I felt as if my whole body was levitating in the air. I felt sometimes that if I were not careful I would float away into nothingness. With that, I told a Gypsy I knew about what was happening to me and she announced that I was in the first stages of Astral Projection.

One day I half woke from a mid-day nap and saw a spiritual, light blue and a white version of myself being created from beams of blue white light emanating from my own body. I read later on in an article on projection that Aleister Crowley mentioned a technique called "The Body of Light" in which one projects light to create an Astral body. When I read it, I realized that I had done something similar. 

Crowley religiously appropriated all sorts of sacred books and texts from various world religions, but especially from Hebrew religion. I started to theorize that maybe the technique he wrote about was Jewish magic, and so the power I inherited may have been tied to that since I am a descendant of the Sephardi Jews of Spain and Portugal . Those are my origins in the Astral. 
I was told more or less about the rogue travelers mentioned in the lesson. What I didn't know was how many there would be. 

The first danger I encountered were toxic Eggun (Ghosts) a Priest of Palo Mayombe had bound in our house when he lived there. The spirits were being captured and placed there to serve the sorcerer. The individual had never taken the spirits with him or sealed the spiritual gate. They started tormenting me and my sister in dreams. Threatening us, scaring us, until I sought out Occult teachers and embraced the magical arts. We cast out what was there. They helped me via Remote Work while I did the physical portions myself with their direction. It was hard because a Demonic entity was there acting as a Threshold Guardian. We had to bind it and send it to Hell.

The second danger was a shape shifter pretending go be a good spirit and which tried to turn me against a colleague of mine who then was helping me in the arts of Exorcism. The entity claimed he was a 'friend' from a past life. He wanted me and my colleague to do things for him, but I had my suspicions. So I inquired from the same Gypsy Seer I mentioned above and she told me what it was I had spoken to and seen. The strange thing is that when he tried speaking to me and I had awakened, I could see a large, faint, sphere of energy. It was orange-red with a bit of yellow thrown in. It moved away from me and went through my door before vanishing. I think it was surprised. I wasn't supposed to wake up, much less see it. It scattered out of the room, possibly hoping I would think nothing of the experience.

My third danger came from a Malevolent Norse spirit. It was a servant of Loki. I had encountered demonic spirits who served Loki before, but none like this. The voice he used was a smooth talker type voice like a stereotypical radio personality.  It forced me to experience my worst fears and I felt trapped till I woke up. Again the Seer told me what it was. By Invoking Hel, the Daughter of Loki, and Thor together, the entity was bound and expelled. This was the strongest entity we had encountered back then. One that with our own powers, we could never hope to bind or even make a dent in it.

 The fourth and most surprising danger came in the form of a Sorcerer, an Astral Vampire, the more evolved form of a Psychic Vampire. It wasn't a danger for me but for a client. I had studied about Vampirism in several articles and from Folklorists. In some of the research I did, I learned about the core of Psychic Vampirism.  While some people are innocent victims of their own nature (lacking the electro-chemical component necessary to sustain life, leading to psychic vampirism), others consciously developed this parasitic ability. They were almost always sorcerers trying to gain greater power. In my research I found that some Satanists developed it as part of their religious practice. But these were specific practices. Based on the study of the Vampire lore, people who engaged in such practices could become Vampires after death. There's many different ways. But I digress. In European Folklore, a dark sorcerer who intentionally developed Psychic Vampirism (as a way to steal or copy magic as well as life force) could become an even more powerful Vampire known as an Astral Vampire, if they evolved strongly enough. The Sorcerer would Astral project and visit their victim in their bedrooms then siphon off vital energy to strengthen themselves and could if they wanted to, project nightmarish images into the person's mind.

In this particular case, the woman was a client from South Korea, both a Pagan and an Army wife. I had seen posts from her online about nightmares she was having that were so bad, she would wake up shaking in cold sweat, and was progressively getting sicker. I had asked her to describe the nightmares and she mentioned her ex boyfriend would appear in all the dreams, laughing insanely and mocking her.  With each nightmare she began to lose more and more of her vitality. 

After I described her former boyfriend in detail (without knowing it was the same person) as the Astral Vampire, she told me he had been her lover before she met her husband. He was a University Professor and at the time she was one of his students. They had a passionate affair, and he always managed to assert his dominance over her without a fight. She eventually ended things with him due to his philandering nature. But she still thought at that point that she loved him. 

I told her he was using Empathy to make her believe she loved him. He was striking her spiritually for leaving him and having a family with her husband. I also realized that some of the gifts he bought for her sons were tainted spiritually and acted as an antenna to extend and strengthen his influence astrally into her home. After helping her realize what was happening, she became more aggressive in how to shield herself from him. She first cleansed and blessed each cursed object, then she began placing satchels with prayers to block him out everywhere. 

I did a deeper Divination and asked what I should do. The Gods replied that he was too dangerous with his powers and that he must be bound. So, I bound him using a Voodoo Doll. In his case his ability was natural so I sent him spirits to do a spiritual operation to help him sustain himself with his own vital energy. Without that he may have died from lack of feeding, and I didn't want that on my conscience. He never tried to contact her much less Astral to her again. Her health recovered, and her obsession with him stopped. All was well.

One thing I would add is that I realised Astral Vampires had one thing in common with regular demonic, spectral Vampires like the Mara/Mare. They can be warded off by some of the same things, including scissors placed open underneath a pillow pointing at the bed's headboard. This was a German Hexxen (Witch) technique that is also used in Hoodoo (Voodoo Witchcraft). It blocks magic done against the person as well.

This is one danger normally overlooked in the Astral.

Frost., C. (2002) Lyn Buchanan on Remote Influincing. Paranormal News. Retrieved at
Maberry, J. (2006) Vampire Universe. Citadel. ISBN 10: 0806528133
NA. (ND) Eggun: The Dead. Orisha. Retrieved from
NA. (2014) Palo. Munanso Congo Nsasi Siete Rayos. Retrieved from
Stavish, M. (1997) The Body of Light in the Western Esoteric Tradition. Hermetic Library. Retrieved at

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Saved by the Spirits by Jose Prado

La Virgen de Regla (The Virgin of the Rule) Cuba´s Christianized 
version of the Vodoun Sea Goddess Yemaya. Lady of the Ocean, 
Protector of children, mothers, pregnancies, and sailors.

You may not believe me, but this actually happened today. For some time now I've drifted into depression and lack of faith, mostly in myself. But it's been effecting my spiritual life.

I had reached such a lack of faith in humanity in general that I actually began to hate humans. I know it sounds ridiculous but I had become racist against my own kind and likened us unto consumeristic parasites who refuse to change. I stopped my spiritual studies and lost touch with my practice. I'm a Pagan high priest by the way. People look to me for answers as they do their other priests but lately I just wasn't feeling in touch with the Spirits.

I started suffering from insomnia about a month or two ago and just a low morale in general. Today in the late afternoon, about 5:33pm when I woke up from lack of sleep in the prior night, I woke up to my older neighbor banging on my door because her Granddaughter stopped breathing and was having convulsions. The first thing I saw was the little girl not even in first grade yet, in her father's arms saliva dripping from her mouth, she looked like a corpse. The man screaming, begging for help to save his daughter. I F***ing flew to my sister's room, told her to call 9/11 and come help me.

A neighbor asked for ice water (Spanish remedy) to snap the child out of the convulsion. She started breathing but shallow then I heard a voice in my head, in my own voice, say "Call the spirits to save her,"

Even though I'm a spiritual person I'm also skeptical and asked "What can they do?," It suddenly didn't sound like my own voice anymore, it sounded like a man's voice now very irritated saying

"Shut the F@#$ up and do it!"

I didn't argue further, I called on the spirits and right away I saw Angels of light appear around the girl and calming the people down, they started healing her. My head still hurts from what I saw. I saw with my physical eyes their light, it was like staring into the sun at point blank range. And they looked different from the pictures I've seen. Some had multiple heads or faces others had animal heads. One looked like a Lion another like a bird of some sort and a whole host I couldn't see because there were too many.

They were different species but of the same choir I think. But the wings were all Dove like. And they had auras on their heads, they must have been Halos, that looked like a beautiful golden sun set. Then for some reason an impulse rose up in me to call on the Sea Goddess I worship, Yemaya. I screamed Yemaya's name in my head and asked her to save the child.

Yemaya is an African Goddess of the Sea. In Cuban Catholicism and Santeria she is synchronized with the Virgin of Regla. The Goddess is worshipped in many religions and considered the protector of children and mothers. I saw what looked like an entity made of pure water but in the shape of a woman start descending from the air above us.

The spirit who I believe was Mother Yemaya herself put her hands in the girls back (literally inside her back) and things started changing. She inhaled deeply and the color returned to her. So today I offer thanks to the Goddesses and Gods, to the spirits, and to the good people I proudly call my neighbors. Even the UPS man dropped what he was doing to call and help. The cops came in less than three minutes they had to send another ambulance because the first one got a flat tire.

By the time they came, the girl was well. They took her to the hospital and now she's safe and stable. I looked at one officer and said

"I'm glad you guys came,"

He was a young guy possibly early twenties and replied, "It's calls like these that make me wonder if I can do my job,"

He walked away. I've never liked many cops. I'm a socialist and anti-government. But today I didn't see a uniform, or a government, or an ideology. Today I didn't see stupid, petty people caught up in their own BS to notice the world around them. Today my friends I saw the beauty that is still inherent in each and every one of us. Today I saw why the Gods still love us.

My faith in humanity has been restored, and my faith in the Gods and spirits made even greater. I wish I could've stopped that officer and told him "No brother, you did your job today,"  but I was helping the Grandmother, using my abilities to calm her down. I will never, ever doubt the spirits again. You may not believe me but I'm telling you I saw it. No matter what religion you believe in know this : there are divine powers out there, they are with us, and they love us.

Praise be to the Divine Ones.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Attacked by Black Magic

Illustration excerpt from Larger photo 
The Illustration is not of Black Magic just chosen for mood.

This is a true event of what happened to me back in early June 2013, at this time Ray had an upper respiratory infection that just did not seem to let go, I myself had continuous bleeding that did not seem to stop. My mother and grandmother were also very ill at this time. This is the direct recollection just after waking up about what happened as I was in my deepest sleep. I felt like something intruded into my dream. Below is the actual online communication I had with Jose Prado, a good friend of mine and frequent contributor to the Paranormal Corner, he is a very well trained Mage happens to be a very well trained Mage, and proficient in many occult arts.

I have worked with Jose before, so I knew he is excellent at his work. The facsimile is as it was with some spelling and grammatical errors fixed, the conversation lasted over a few days because of the time difference between Norway and Florida.

(June 5th 4 am Norwegian local time) Jose, can you look into something? last night it felt like there was something that tried to enter me while in dreamstate, I fought it off and said my prayers. This could just been all the stress i been under this week, but i figured it best to have you look into it too.

I need more information than that. Detail everything for me.

Sure, in the dream there were three people two female one male, they were chanting standing in circle like they were summoning something as i approached them i felt they all had offered themselves as vessel I started praying in the dream, and managed to force out what possessed the two females, before the male knocked me over.

Wearing black robes with red satanic pentagrams?

They were all wearing black robes with red symbols pentagrams, there were black candles lit ones placed inside and around the points of the pentagram. I have never had dreams like this before. I broke off and woke up, also as they were chanting it looked like there was a red mist coming out of their mouth. They told me to join them over and over.  They started to try to force me into also offering myself as a vessel. 

To me this felt like someone were doing a distance attack.

The dream is symbolic, symbolism for something. It's symbolic of Enemy Work, that is to say, someone or something trying to cause harm to your family.

OK, what are good ways to ward against this.

Something doesn't want us looking into this. I felt sick to my stomach just now. They got a protection binding against anyone trying to look into this. How many Occult enemies does your family have?

None that I know of. My mother said she believes her fiancees ex-wife might want to curse her.

Your best bet is having your home cleansed and blessed followed by amulets of protection.

She felt in the past like she tried to hex her, OK, good I´ll do that.

My spirits say it's her.

Ray is sick with respiratory infection, they put him on two kinds of antibiotics this Friday.

Go to a Sami Shaman and have her do a Divination to confirm it then bind the bitch. Damn. Is Ray gonna be OK?

Oh, also this happened around 3:33 at night, as I woke up from the dream which made me think it was a local since it felt like it was not time displaced but done right then.

Hmm they say 3 am is the hour of the Beast, inversion of the Trinity.

Yes, it felt like they started the ceremony at 3 am and then I broke it off at half passed 3. Haven´t felt anything similar to this since my father was trying to hex my mother back in 2008 after she left him for the guy she is with now, but he passed away in 2008.

Hmm do a Reversal prayer right now. Face East and ask the Archangel of the East to smite the ones doing it. Then face West and ask the Archangel of the West for Holy spirit.

OK. I´ll do that.

Good, you need To speak to that Sami soon. Let me know once you finished.

(Next day June 6th, 3:13 am) OK I am done with the reversal prayer and the house have now been blessed by a priest, and sealed against evil influences. I had a powerful Sami I know help me out, among them my great-grandmothers spirit she was a good witch and a powerful Sami widely sought after for her advice, herbal lore and healing.

(June 6th, 6:31 am) Perfect, if the bitch starts hexing you again, get her picture, surround it with Hemlock, and have the Priest do the St. Benedict prayer on it

(June 7th, 12:06 am) The hemlock herb doesn´t grow in this part of Norway, are there any other plants I could replace it with?

 (June 8th, 6:59am) Any plants that are powerful in magick can be used.

After I completed all the things prescribed, I no longer had the strange dreams, the bleeding stopped, and Ray finally managed to fight of the infection that mysteriously had seemed impervious to multiple antibiotics and my mother and grandmother returned back to good health. I have no doubt there was some very evil magic at work, I felt it deep into my soul. As a psychic one sometimes pick up on things that were meant to be kept secret, like in this case someone trying to hex all of my family. I would like to recommend further reading the entry of mine called Curses, evil eyes, Hexes and Jinxes.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to make a Guardian Altar by Jose Prado

From Blogger Nellie, of Paper An Ancestral altar she made from a combination of several traditions including the Day of the Dead tradition in Mexico. Her original post may be found here :

For those serious about working with magick the first step is working with your Guardian Spirits. In many religious systems, this is something that is pivotal to magickal or spiritual workings. The First step if you have not done so is to acknowledge your spirit guides. Many clients have asked me "Why didn't my guides protect me?" It's because our guardians cannot interfere with our free will. We must ask them to intercede for us. First acknowledge them by means of an Affirmation (statement of power you say out loud, the forerunner to a spell) here's a general way of doing it. 

Visualization and Affirmation of your spirit Guides
Visualize not only your Guardian Angels, but your Ancestor Spirits, Nature Spirits, Animal Familiars and Totems. Everyone has a small Army of different spirits to help them out not just one species or race but many. Even Guardian Ghosts. Like Ancestors, or people who died in the same hospital you were born in, people from another life that knew you and loved you and so on. But since most people are grounded in just one faith they tend not to see all the different Spirit protectors and helpers they have. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge them all. Once you visualize them around you, say out loud: 

"I call upon thee my
Guardian Spirits, Animal Totems and Familiars, Celestials, Elementals, Guardian Dead, Animal Guides and Totems, Familiars, protectors, teachers, and all Benevolent and Loving Spirit sent out to me by the God and the Goddess to help and take care of me. By the Benevolent Rulers of the Multiverse 
I acknowledge you, awaken you, and activate you into service and ask the Divine Masters of Heaven and Earth to give to you instructions, powers, energies, and strengths to help me out in any way, shape, or form I may need or is available to me. By the God and the Goddess, Amen."

You should feel a surge of energy being released once you do that and then you'll see and feel them not to mention hear them. They will help you in all you need. Just be sure to visualize a cloak (a wall of energy that makes you invisible) hiding you when you do it, imagine it is also a wall of silence and shadow that blocks out anything that is not your guides. That way you won’t attract any un-wanted spiritual attention. You'll be fine. Once you do that, it's time to make an Altar. Make an altar specifically for them. 

Type in your birth date on this site and you'll know the name of your Ruling Angel. It will tell you who that Angel is and what he does. It will also tell you how to make an altar for that Angel:

This will tell you which Archangel of the week (Saturday, Sunday etc) is your guide. Once you do that, look up your Star Sign or Zodiac sign Angel here:

Then finally, your Angel of the Month you were born in here:
If you know the hour that you were born, go on here:
All the way at the bottom of that page you’ll see which Angel rules the hour you were born on.

Once you make the Altar, place a glass of water there and out loud say:

“I dedicate this Creature of water to the service of all my spiritual Guardians. In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Amen"

Or modify according to your beliefs.

Clean the Altar and replace the Altar’s water every Sunday or
Monday. Before night. This will make you strong. Never, and I mean never tell anyone the names of any of your Guardians. Doing so puts you in danger. People can cast spells on you and even control you if you're not careful.

Don’t even tell them the nicknames you’ve given to them. And when you are going to commune with them in front of other people do so telepathically or empathically. They can read your minds and emotions and will be able to know what you want them to do. Offer your Guardians white candles (Tea Lights or Church candles depending on the Altar) and incense every night. This candle’s energy will feed them every night.

The reason you need the water is because it's a spiritual conduit. Some of your guides will be stuck as compressed energy, unable to move or asleep until you offer them the conduit. This will allow them to awaken and move about to do their job better. The water also cleanses and blesses you and them. So it is important to clean that Altar and wash the glass and refill it with new water every Sunday or Monday before 12am. That way you won’t be full of compressed or dirty energy since the water also soaks away all of the negativity you’ve accumulated since the past week. 

Now, in Santeria (Cuba’s version of Voodoo and Hoodoo) we usually use a special stone called Piedra De Alumbre (Rock of Illumination) to feed and give light to the Dead and to the Guides by placing it in the Altar’s water. However, it dissolves in water and then you have to go out and buy more. So on that first website Angel which told you the name of the Angel of the day of the week you were born on it will show you the incense, colors, and stones that are sacred to that Archangel. Those are some of the main components of your Altar. Use whatever stone is sacred to that Angel to feed and give light to your guides. 

Cheaper than buying Piedra de Alumbre and far more effective. But, if it's a metal oar like Michael's (hematite) use Angelite, it’s a stone that facilitates communication between a person and their Guardians. Put a few rocks in there for them to Ground themselves as well. Let them know that's what the rocks are for. Grounding is a technique for connecting to the Earth to drain un-needed or impure energy that you are filled with.

It is also used to stay ‘grounded’ or connected to the Earth in special rituals or spells to help protect you from spirits that may seek to attack you while you are in a trance. So this will allow them to be safe in case someone tries to steal your spirit guides (yes that is possible) and the loss of one’s spirit guides leads to insanity among other things). More on grounding later.

Put in 4 rocks for Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The Illumination Stone you choose will represent the 5th Element, Spirit. You need to place a small dish of Sea Salt to represent the Earth, A white feather for Air, the Conduit takes care of water, Candle takes care of fire, and incense will be Spirit and as before use the incense sacred to your Archangel. Now you have a balanced Altar. Make, the dish a bronze, gold, or silver plated dish. You should also look up the Deities who rule the day you were born on.

Once you know the day of the week you were born on, you can look up the God or Goddess who rules that day of the week. There are, many all over the world so it will not be possible to know them all but to know the Norse and Greco-Roman Deities you fall under (based on the Day you were born) please visit this site.
To see which Orisha or Santero Deity/Deities you may fall under please visit this site:
In Santeria it’s a little more difficult to know the Orisha you fall under and you usually need to pay a Santero High Priest or Babalawo (Father of the Mysteries or Father in the knowledge of things material and spiritual.) $50 to do a special Divination with cowry shells to know which of the Deities you fall under. You might have a strong kinship with one Orisha and then it turns out that you fall under a totally different Orisha altogether. 

Now for the best piece of information: Your Guides can do almost ANYTHING as long as you remember to ask. Spirits can’t intercede on our behalf because we have free will. The only way they can do things for us is when we ask them to like:  I need help; this is what I need you to do. They are your family, friends, body guards, and army. Ask of them as you will but beware. Never ask them to do evil. Just as we have good guides, we also have neutral and Evil guides as well. 

Asking for something selfish or evil will awaken the bad ones. If that, happens you almost certainly have automatically pledged your allegiance to Hell which means they own your soul after that. You won’t find that in any book. I found that out because one of my first teachers was an ex-Satanist and that is what the group he was once a part of told him. Also my Godmother in Santeria told me that it was true that we had bad guides as well and that she would never even mention the name of hers because he was so violent he could actually cause physical harm to a person she was angry with. 

Never use the bad guides and if you ever seek justice, ask your Deities and Archangel to handle it directly, never your guides. When you need something like a job, or something low level that does not require the aid of a Divinity, ask your guides to help you and then light the candle as an offering. I frequently ask them to intercede for me to have help in finances, speaking to the spirit guides of potential employers to put in a good word for me, or just getting me things I want that do not violate free will. I won’t always get what I ask for however so I always ask that if I do not get what I want that I be given the equivalent or something better. It works.

It’s all a matter of faith and asking your guides to intervene for you. I also evaluate whether the problem I have is an important matter that I need to pray to the Gods and Goddesses for or if it’s something not so important that I can just ask my guides for. It’s always important to ask yourself if it’s a matter for your guides or Gods and if you’re not sure pray and meditate until you know for sure.

You can now fully communicate with them in visions or visualizations, or in dreams. Sometimes you'll hear and see them so clearly it's as though they were physically there. This is a special meditation to help you meet and access them, at anytime that some of the Lightworkers (Magick users who devote their life to helping the world) have developed :

Guardian Stones
A Guardian stone (a stone that for whatever reason matches your energy vibrations) is a type of Nature Guide to protect you) you won’t find that in any  book that I'm aware of, my stone spoke telepathically to me and compelled me to buy him when I first met him. Your Guide Stone will be multipurpose to you and you alone unless you bump into somebody who coincidentally has the same kind of guide. That means this stone or stones will do things for you that for another they wont do. They become multipurpose stones as far as you’re concerned. You can use them for anything. 

I do not know whether or not there are more Guide Stones out there. So far I have only felt that connection with one. Again, tell no one which of the stones matches your vibrations for that information can be used against you. From what the spirits told me it’s hard to use your own stone against you but I like to take caution in all things. You can use them for just about everything there is for you to do magickally.

 Last but not least you need to learn Grounding, Cleansing, and Sealing

After all Magick Workings
When you have just cast a spell or done a powerful ritual like a spirit summoning or exorcism, you have generated a large amount of magickal, spiritual, and physical energy that you now need to dispose of. If you don't the consequences are many but here are the three main consequences I have encountered: 

1) Too much un-used energy in your body will light up you like a Roman candle and spirits and other magick users, will be able to see you. I don't think I need to explain further what the ramifications of this is. It is dangerous, very dangerous and you would remain open to other spirits or energies. And even the nice ones can play nasty tricks on you sometimes. 

2) All this pent up energy can cause physical conditions like the body over heating, being too hyper, heightened emotions where you can say or do something you'll regret later (like being drunk on power) and when you sober up you'll realize it only too late. This can also cause mild to severe headaches, nausea and diarrhea, not to mention insomnia. 

3) You can accidently hurt someone and yourself. When that much power is coursing through your veins, literally anything can happen. If you say "Go to Hell!" You might actually curse someone or even hurt them because of the level of power you currently hold. Likewise if you are jealous of someone else, even without saying anything your subconscious mind will channel that power within you to hurt someone else. Maybe break them up with their significant other, or try to cause them to commit suicide and many other terrible things. 

And if you are naturally paranoid, keeping that energy bottled up can cause you to become more paranoid and even curse yourself by accident.

That is why one must be careful when using magick and never use it if you are sick, emotionally unbalanced, or under stress. When you are super charged with that much power even making a joke can speak something into existence and alter your reality. So Grounding is Paramount. To do this you go bare foot under a tree, place your feet on the dirt of the tree and ask the tree to remove all un-needed and impure energies or substances from you. Then imagine your toes turn into tree roots (alternatively you can do this with your hands too) and connect to the Earth then say "All un-needed energies and impurities, be sent to Mother and Father Earth for purification so mote it be!" This will drain the energies from you.

 Just be sure not too drain out too much you can make yourself sick and tired like that. That's why you ask only for those un-needed and impure things to be driven from you. But those pure and needed energies need to remain or you could die at worst or be sick at best. Once this is done the roots will turn back into your fingers and toes again or you'll know in your heart that it's done and you will be able to change them back into fingers and toes using pure will without another visualization. Make sure you have water to offer the tree when you're done and thank him or her with it. 

On another note those energies will be purified by Earth and sent to someone else when the time comes to help them. So you're also helping someone across the world which brings you good Karma at the same time. Now go drink a glass of water as a Seal to help close up those channels you opened up with your ritual or spell.  In Santeria as well as Trinidadian Folk Magick its customary to drink room temperature water after finishing a magickal working to seal or close it, pray over the water like this: 

"Sacred water of healing and life by (whatever divinity you worship) be blessed to cleanse, heal, and bless me and to close whatever doorways or channels I have spiritually or magickally opened until the time comes when I need them opened again. Amen." 
Once you drink it, you will be cleansed, blessed, healed, and those doorways and channels you’ve opened will be closed all at once. Until you need to open them again that is. That way nothing will be able to get at you via those channels or doors now closed. There are many ways to do this but I like to do it like that because its more efficient and gets the job done right. The first time you Ground do it under a tree but after it's been done once under a tree you can ground anywhere. 

But the traditional way is the best way to do it. Blessing the water you’re going to drink should be done before you even start grounding. That way you're not powering up again for another spell because you did it before hand. You can ask three of your Guardians to aid you in this too. One will ground you, the other cleanses you, and the third will close the un-needed spiritual and magickal doors for you.

 It's always important to do these before bed. It will make you safer in sleep. Be sure to bless the water against harmful entities, energies, and intentions so it can protect you also. And visualize the water being enchanted with positive energy to replace the negative energy you removed from yourself for whatever you banish you must replace with something. Otherwise if you banish negativity and leave the void open that negativity will return to you three fold or more.

 So positively charge the water when you bless it with your prayers or affirmations. And you should be set on your journey to the Craft. 
