Showing posts with label Oslo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oslo. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

Angel Feathers

 Illustration "Angel Feather" 
Photo by Joao Estevao Andrade de Freitas 
courtesy of wikimedia commons.

This is the account of Bjørn in Oslo and his girlfriend Eva, this happened to them back in the winter of 2009.

My girlfriend Eva has always been a big believer in Angels, collecting all sorts of Angel art, items, pictures and so on. In the winter of 2009 she fell in hardship and were not feeling well. The strange thing was that she swore there were angels with her each time she go to the doctor she say how she could see their feathers around her. At first I just thought it was in her mind.

Then we started finding small white feathers around in the home, each time she go to the doctor and return we would notice more feathers floating around in our apartment. And each time this happen Eva would get more high spirited and feel slightly better.

Then I found out where the feathers came from Eva's winter jacket with feather filling had a small hole in the back, and whenever she put it on or off for her doctors visits more feathers would come out. Eva were still not felling all that well and I could not get myself to let her know that the angel feathers she noticed around were from her jacket, since it seemed to make her better I let it go.

By the time spring came Eva were well again and donned her winter jacket. I silently patched it up for her. She still feel the angels are with her even without the "angel feathers" floating around.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Psychic Abilities: Psychic Navigation

Glass window over the West portal of the Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway. Photo by Gerd A. T. Müller in 2005

I have on multiple occasions experienced what I would have to describe as Psychic Navigation, in many ways this seems similar to dowsing as it has been described to me by others, I have never done dowsing other than for water which I know works and felt similar to me to when I use my psychic navigation.

Now before you assume there is no such thing, think about it this way, have you ever been lost and then felt like a prominence or gut feeling what direction to go, and then done so. This is how I the best can describe my own experience but on a grander scale.

Some of the earliest accounts of this was as a child I found myself never feeling lost even the thickest of forests, when in doubt I would close my eyes and focus on where was my destination and then feel where the strongest pull of what I will describe as the energies within draw me. As I grew older I found I could use the same to find lost objects at home, runaway animals and later even people, both lost and just "randomly" pick out whom I wanted to run into on the street.

Photo by Petr Smerkl, Nidaros Domen 2009 for wikipedia  

Back a few years, I had a chance to put my ability to a grand test, I was visiting Trondheim, which is one of the largest cities in Norway, in area it covers the size of Sidney, Australia but in population is only a couple of hundred thousands. I had never been to Trondheim before and after I was done with the days work in the conference I was attending, I wanted to see if I could find one of the most holy sites of the old Roman Catholic Church, the Nidaros Cathedral which was during the middle ages considered the 4th most important holy pilgrimage site after Jerusalem, Rome, and a site in Southern Spain. I closed my eyes focused on the cathedral and the energies that the centuries of pilgrimage to the site would cause, and instantly knew where to head, walked a few blocks and there it was the most magnificent medieval cathedral of Norway, filled with awe the sight touched me to tears, and I said a silent prayer before I entered.

Another example I would like to share happened in Oslo, Norway, I was with my aunt at the time, and after letting her be in the lead we became totally lost, after 3 hours of walking we seemed no where near the 15 minutes walking destination we were supposed to get to. I then closed my eyes focused for a few second and firmly convinced my aunt what direction we were to head, we walked for 20 minutes, and then after my Aunts pleads we stopped to ask a cab to take us the the destination, since it was already getting dark and Oslo is not considered a very safe place to be wandering around in dark side alleys. He stared at us, and said really? I could do that but why don't you just turn around to the left and complete the last 20 yards on your own.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WW#6 The Psychic Princess Märtha Louise of Norway

Princess Märtha Louise is the oldest child of King Harald V of Norway. Princess Märtha Louise has been firm on creating her own career than living out her royalty, even going as far as letting her younger brother take the throne, in spite that the rules of succession were changed in 1990 from oldest male heir to oldest heir, which offered the two royal heirs to make it count from their generation or the next. And later, when she married Ari Behn, a commoner and author of books, she accepted to no longer have the rank of Royal princess, just princess. 

As a result of pursuing a career, Princess Märtha Louise is a certified physiotherapist who has also followed a career in writing of books and readings of fairy tales. In June 2007, she came forward announcing that she is and always been a psychic. She also has always had a gift of animal affinity, and she say hers gift has grown to where it is today.

This caused quite some stir in Norway, as many residents grew up watching the Royal Princess on TV all their lives and felt having a special connection with her. In popular polls, more than half of the people believed her when she said she is a psychic and was starting up an angel school to help others unlock their inner psychic abilities. Being a psychic myself knowing that the princess had the courage to come forward and follow her own ways felt like a blessing in its own, knowing that one now shared something truly special with the princess. Märtha Louise has had these experiences all her life, even though up to that day she had not shared it in the public press. 

The Princess' Angel School is called Asarte Education, and its main focus is teaching different forms of healing, readings, unlocking your own abilities and learning how to communicate with angels.

The Official Slogan of Asarte Education is 
"Use Angels and your own power to create miracles in your life" 

Not surprisingly, the harshest fire to her came from the clergy in the Norwegian Lutheran State Church, also known as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway. Some felt that since she was no preaching her own form of religion or spirituality, which in the mind of the clergy ran in direct opposition with their church, the princess denounce her membership in the State Church or face excommunication.

The Norwegian TV evangelist Jan Hanvold even declared the princess to be a agent of Hell. Princess Märtha Louise commented to this that had this been back in the middle ages, she probably would have been burned at the stake as a witch. 

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